Courses @UNC-Chapel Hill

Introduction to Machine Learning (Spring 2025)

Seminars in Biostatistics (Spring 2025)

Seminars in Biostatistics (Fall 2024)

Old Courses @HSPH

As Instructor

Harvard Biostatistics Summer Preparatory Course (Summer 2020)

As Teaching Fellow / Assistant

Probability Theory and Applications I (Fall 2019)

Analysis of Failure Time Data (Spring 2019)

  • Harvard BIOSTAT 244 - Ph.D. level survival analysis
  • Instructor: Dr. LJ Wei

Probability Theory and Applications I (Fall 2018)

Probability Theory and Applications I (Fall 2017)

Applied Longitudinal Analysis (Spring 2016)

Basics of Statistical Inference (Fall 2015)

  • Harvard BST 222 - Master’s level statistical inference
  • Instructor: Dr. David Wypij